Malfunction? What to do when you have input problems with a mechanical keyboard thumbnail

Malfunction? What to do when you have input problems with a mechanical keyboard

Although mechanical keyboards have independent key switches and the durability of the switches is high, this does not mean that defects do not occur at all. In this issue, we summarize how to deal with input problems on mechanical keyboards.

First, let's look for the cause of input problems.

When input problems occur with a mechanical keyboard, there are two main causes.

  1. connection problems
  2. faulty keyswitches

Before starting repair work, it is important to first confirm which of the two is the cause of the problem, although it may be time-consuming to do so.

Verify connection problems.

If there is a problem with input, such as chattering, it is difficult to tell whether the problem is on the keyboard or the connection. So, check the connection first.

Try a wired connection, or connect to a different port.

If you have a mechanical keyboard with a Bluetooth connection, check for problems on the Bluetooth side first. The method is simple: try using a wired connection.

If there is no problem with the wired connection, you can be sure that it is a Bluetooth problem, so restart your PC, turn Bluetooth on and off, and check if it is stable.

If you are already using a wired connection, try connecting to a different port. You can also try connecting to a different device.

If there is no improvement, I suspect a problem with the keyswitch.

Verify key switch failure.

If the connection system is the problem, then the keyswitch may be defective.

The following two are the most common key switch defects.

  1. poor contact due to dust or other contaminants
  2. failure of the switch itself

If it is a poor contact, it is fine, but if the switch is faulty, it is troublesome.

Therefore, we first try to revive it by cleaning it thoroughly.

Clean the keyswitches.

If a keyboard switch is chattering or otherwise malfunctioning, many are faulty contacts, which can be repaired by cleaning them.

When cleaning, be sure to use the supplied keycap remover to remove keys one by one. There is no point in removing them by hand with force and causing the switch to fail.

If the keys work properly after cleaning, it is probably not a failure of the switch itself.

What if I suspect a key switch failure?

First, let's clean the switch thoroughly.

If you suspect that the keyswitch is faulty, it is best to replace the switch itself, but if the switch is soldered to the base, you cannot easily replace the switch.

So, let's focus on reviving the switch first.

Most mechanical switches fail because of defective contacts, so we will revive the contacts by cleaning them.

  1. cleaning (sucking out dust, hair, etc.)
  2. cleaning the switch with parts cleaner

Cleaning should not simply remove dust, hair, and other debris, but should also remove debris inside the switch that cannot be seen.

Dust inside the switch can be blown out with an air duster, but the recommended method is to suck it out with a cyclone vacuum cleaner such as Dyson. If you blow it out with an air duster, there is a possibility of dust getting into the internal circuit board, but if you suck it out with a cyclone vacuum cleaner, there is less chance of dust getting inside.

If cleaning does not fix the problem, use a parts cleaner for digital equipment. Spray and clean thoroughly so that the cleaner can reach the inside of the switch.

You can also use contact revivifier, but since contact revivifier may not be a fundamental solution, you should basically clean and clean it thoroughly.

If the problem is not serious, cleaning is pretty much all that is needed, and even if it is somewhat serious, the switch problem can be repaired by cleaning with a parts cleaner.

Let's replace the switch.

If cleaning and washing do not fix the switch, consider replacing the switch.

If it is a hot-swappable mechanical keyboard, you only need to replace the switch, but most mechanical keyboards are soldered, so replacing the switch is not easy.

If you are not a good solder, it is best to contact the manufacturer for repair or simply replace the keyboard.

When replacing a keyboard, consider a keyboard that is hot-swappable and can use regular mechanical switches.